I'll be sporting a someone slightly took a bite out of me look for a bit until my fur grows back in. No, no one bit me, its just shaved and looks funny. A few days ago I volunteered to be a blood donor to a kitty who lost quite a bit, unfortunately despite everyone's efforts she didn't make it past midnight that same night.

It was a bit scary but I was very brave for Lakeside's sake.
On a side note, we actually have two of her kids from a past litter up for adoption at the center, Sunny Boy and Sparky, who are a little bit shy, having been outdoor kitties for a bit, but sugary sweet once they feel comfortable.
I was able to help her out as much as I did, only because it was an emergency. My blood's not as good as it could be, I want to be able to help more kitties, but I have too much fatty stuffs inside my blood. So they're making me eat this diet type food, which is o.k. , Maddie was right, its not so bad. For those of you who don't know her, she's the kitty here who always gets asked if she's pregnant. She's worked hard and eats right and has lost about 2 lbs since January, which is a pretty big deal, and is now a solid 15lbs.

I'm looking forward to being a healthier mancat, but I wonder if I'm going to lose my mannish figure.